Pimm’s Cake


What time is it? It’s got to be Pimm’s O’clock! Two layers of lemon cake soaked with a Pimm’s syrup, then coated with a Pimm’s buttercream. It’s topped with strawberries, orange segments, cucumber and the odd sprig of mint. This cake is perfect for summer parties or picnics, we just need the sun to come back out…


For the cake,

  • 175g caster sugar
  • 175g margarine
  • 200g self raising flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 3 eggs
  • zest and juice of 2 lemons

Before you make the cake, preheat the oven to 160°C and grease and flour two sandwich tins (8 inch diameter).

Sieve the flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix together until smooth. Split the batter evenly between the two tins. Use a palette knife to level the batter in the tin. Then bake in the oven for 18-20 minutes until risen and golden. Check the cakes are done by inserting a skewer or cake tester into the centre. If the skewer comes out clean, the cakes are done. Leave to cool on a wire rack.


For the Pimm’s syrup,

  • 50g caster sugar
  • 60ml water
  • 50ml Pimm’s

Whilst the cakes are cooling, make the Pimm’s syrup. Heat the water and sugar gently in a saucepan until the sugar is dissolved (stirring from time to time). Once the sugar has dissolved, bring to a boil, then take off the heat. Add the Pimm’s to the saucepan and stir. Leave to one side until you are ready to assemble the cake.


For the Pimm’s buttercream,

  • 150g unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 350-400g icing sugar
  • 3 – 4 tbsp Pimm’s

Cube the butter then beat in a mixer or by hand until smooth. Sieve the icing sugar, then add to the butter in 3 batches. Beat vigorously for a few minutes. Once the buttercream is smooth and silky, add the Pimm’s and beat in. If the buttercream seems a little too soft, add a little more icing sugar or cover in clingfilm and pop in the fridge for a few minutes.


Once all the components are ready, assemble the cake. Take one of the cakes and secure on a cake board or stand with a small amount of buttercream. Use a pastry brush to cover the whole cake with half of the Pimm’s syrup. Then cover the top and sides with buttercream. Put the second cake on top and brush with the remaining syrup. Cover the whole cake with the rest of the buttercream. Use a palette knife to smooth out the buttercream. Pop in the fridge for a few minutes to firm up. Top with fruit you would usually find in a Pimm’s and Lemonade, such as strawberries, cucumber, orange and mint leaves.

This is a great cake to make the day before you need it, as the syrup will have longer to soak in. If making in advance, add the fruits on the day of serving so they stay fresh and delicious.



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