Barbecued Bananas with Rum Syrup


These bananas are stuffed with a paste made of butter, sugar and most importantly rum. When baked on the barbecue, the paste soaks in to the banana and creates a pool of rum syrup. A quick and delicious after barbecue treat!

You will need,

  • 2 bananas
  • 25g unsalted butter
  • 35g dark muscovado sugar
  • 2 tsps of dark rum

(serves 2)

In a small bowl, beat the butter with a wooden spoon until it is soft. Add the sugar and beat together. Finally add the rum and beat the mixture until smooth.


Use a sharp knife to cut in to each banana lengthways. Try and make the cut quite deep but don’t cut through the peel on the other side. Fill the bananas with the sugar and butter paste. Sprinkle a little extra dark muscovado sugar on top and then wrap the bananas individually in foil.


The bananas need about 15-20 minutes on a hot barbecue (turn them over after 10 minutes).


When cooked, the bananas should be soft and melt in the mouth. There will be hot syrup around the base so be careful not to spill. Dig in with a spoon and enjoy!

P.s. When you are finished, lift the foil off the plate and there will be a pool of extra syrup. It was a ridiculously sweet spoonful of rum with an after taste of banana – you’re welcome!


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